Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sims suicide

So, I've been playing the Sims the last couple days and I suck at that to! I created a couple named Ian and Nettie Knives (after me and my beau of course). They have the same astrological signs and personality traits as we do. They are sooo unhappy.. Their starving, bugs inhabit the kitchen, skunks like to stay at the home along with stray dogs, Ian and Nettie are known to piss their pants a few times, Ian falls asleep on the kitchen floor, Nettie missed the first 2 days of her first job of the game, Ian don't want to find a job because he's sooo depressed nor he hasn't any skills, they always want to watch t.v. and listen to the radio instead of spraying for bugs that at one time was attacking Gunther the neighbor who looked like he was dancing a jig to get away, they won 750.00 for having the worst home on a phone call, the bank called and said 1,400.00 was put in our account by a computer mistake and Ian won't tell anyone about it. They are going to die of hunger or a bad bladder. I thought there was no way for them to die but reading the manual they can and the grim reaper will come and then you can barter with a game of rock, scissor, paper with the guy to keep your guy alive. If I did win, Ian and Nettie would probally say to let them die cause I am horrible at this game too. How can I kill a Sim's?

Saturday, March 25, 2006

I'm a sore loser.

I've been playing Diablo and every time I die, I just get pissed! I was trying to see the "gamer" point of view and how someone could spend that much time staring at a computer screen (3 computers in surly greg's case) instead of out and about enjoying life. My boyfriend claims it's a nice way to relax...well, not for a sore loser like me it's not. I had to restrain myself from throwing my computer down and jumping on it. No way relaxation here...just alot of clicking and swearing...tense...tense..tense....
Problem solved....while in Best Buy the other day I picked up "Sims" game and read on the front of it.."The most successful computer game of all time"-TIME. "That's it" I shout (ok, not really) "of course it's the most successful computer game of all time because you don't DIE!!!!" my boyfriend agreed it would be the perfect game for a sore loser like myself! So, he bought it for me to still try to show me how relaxing sitting and staring at a computer screen can be relaxing. I know he just wants me to get addicted to it so I can't yell at him anymore. I hope it doesn't work.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Sights and Sounds @ the workshop

So many little things happen at the workshop when I'm there. I have an attentive ear to try and pick up conversations between clients or statements they make randomly.

On St. Patricks day a client who looks like John Goodman blurts out
"Yeah, I'm gonna get drunk at the bar tonight"
Oh don't think I wasn't trying to figure out where that place was! He wouldn't answer me because obvioulsy it wasn't really gonna happen but it was a nice dream.

Another time I was walking down the hall and I hear "Hey look!" so curiously I look around and there is a client juggling POOL BALLS like nothing! He could also juggle with one hand! I couldn't believe it. There has to be a market for this.

Video game update. I hate killing everything over again after I die. I think I've had my fill. Of course I start off on Diablo II the expansion game which is more difficult and you can't save the game and start back in the exact spot if you die. AAARRRRGGGGHHHH back to blogging now

Monday, March 20, 2006

MY Eyes are FRIED!!!

Recently I decided to try to understand why my boyfriend sits and plays those stupid hack 'em slash 'em games for hours straight. So, "Let me try one of those there games your constantly playing that you don't want to do anything else but" I say. "OK" was his response.

I now can't think of doing anything else but. I dream about it too. Boo-hoo. gota go to play more now ........

Um, chased eddie monster again at work..gee um it was bad you couldn't see it yourself.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Yet another gripping sentence from Birdman

Birdman LOVES to rip his clothes off himself. Being in the right mood and finding the perfect moment he proceeds to rip his sweat pants and laugh his ass off the whole time disregarding every word we used to stop him. So we dig through the closet of spare clothes to look for another pair of sweat pants but no luck just jeans. The other teacher takes him into the bathroom to let him change his pants.....then all you could hear from the bathroom is high pitch screaming and crying with a slew a curse words echoing in the bathroom. He comes out and is still very I do my best to explain...

Creature Teacher: Hey birdman, we didn't rip yr pants....did we?

Birdman: no... F**k You B*tch

CT: So you can't yell at us, you had sweat pants on but YOU ripped them, we don't have anymore sweat pants, so you have to wear jeans.... You look nice in them!

(gripping sentence!!!!)

Birdman: I'm so mad... why did I do this?.... I'm gonna SHIT!

CT: that won't be good. (giggles on the inside)

I had to chuckle a little more because he wore his t-shirt that said. "I may be strange, maybe crazy, but never a dull moment"

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Memories from the t.v. set

I've been watching the I love toys series on VH1, which is a great way to stroll down memory lane. So, you automatically think of the funniest things that you did with the toys and how it either saved you from trouble or caused it. One thought that comes to mind was when they were talking about the Mad Libs book and how EVERYONE would put explicit words on every line. OK, here comes the back ground story.
I have a few older siblings and we went to a catholic school and were all very well mannered and my one sibling was always top seller of anything the school would sell (candy, wrapping paper, thats all i remember selling i think) we would win top prizes everytime. Our family could do no wrong we were ALL angels!!!! till the one day...
The 7th grade teacher walks in and takes away my Mad Libs book with all dirty words in tow, names of nuns and everything. not good. Shows the principal, who was a nun, and she reads the whole dang thing (of course) Needless to say I crushed the family name (9yrs of being angels) in 1 minute flat. I of course asked for the book back and without hesitation she of course said "no, maybe at the end of the year". Dam straight if I didn't march my ass last day asking about it. I counted down the days!!!! Ya, they "lost" it. I convinced my parents to let me goto public school after I finished off 7th grade..begged...and begged...and begged... I did it! Without telling them about my book with the dirty words..oooohh boy, I would've got a whoopin that day! I also begged the nun not to tell my parents. I wonder if they know the reputation of their name these days. haha

I can honestly say I've never ate Play-doh tho!


I watched a gripping game of billards at the workshop today. Two clients were playing against each other and after every shot the one guy would yell "Sledgehammer!" I lost it when the other guy finally asked "what does that mean?" The first guy never answered him. I was wondering the same thing...why is that guy yelling that after every shot. Well, the question worked and the guy never yelled it again. Every once in awhile a girl would shout to the guys that they wanted a baby. ?????? yeah, I didn't get it either but life seems pretty simple there. The guys were called back to work so I was unable to see who won and I wonder how they would've handle it. I'm going to volunteer for the Special Olympics (I'm very excited) so I will have more tales of competition and how they handle winning and losing and just getting along. I can only imagine. It's gonna be good!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Word Play...

Down in the younger kids room, they teach us to laugh a little more.
This is the conversation with Birdman 8 yrs old...

Birdman buys an apple pie for his small purchase and is very involved in getting every piece and taste possible from the pie. He's licking every finger and his tongue is swirlling around his lips. You just can't help but to chuckle watching this go on....

Creature teacher: "Hey Birdman, are you licking the pie off your fingers?"
Birdman: "Yeah, don't you lick your pie?"
Creature teacher: "Nope"

Another time when Birdman was just ready to lose all his marbles he starts screaming at another teacher
"You most f**kable bitch"
(I was jealous.)
I gave a high five to the teacher and left so she could work out that problem.

Lesson of the day: There's nothing better than my job.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I don't know

I don't know what to write about. No stories from the monsters. Everything is honky dorey and I have nothing to complain about. My birthday is coming up and I'm trying to think of a short weekend trip, something different instead of going to the bar. It's getting harder to recover after a night of drinking, each year it just gets worse. Does anyone have any ideas of something fun or unusual to do? I feel like I'm running out of bright ideas.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

You never know who yr sitting by

Today at the workshop (where I'm helping a student transition to) I'm eating my lunch and enjoying the new sights, fights, struggles and sounds of a whole new crop of clients that I know nothing about. I'm giggling about how one client is yelling to another about how they hate the one guys beard and threatening to shave it off...over in another section of the lunchroom a girl client is trying to assist another client adjust their suspenders and hook them on his pants...another trying to steal someone else's bag of client is referring to his twinkies as fluffy hotdogs...Suddenly, I hear a sneeze and see a big hocker go whizzing by on my left side and into my view. *BARF*
Lesson of the day....Be careful who you sit by while eating lunch

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Trip to the library

I worked with Eddie Monster tues. and after working we decided to take the kids to the library so they can look at books and play on the computer. Well, Eddie wanted to check out books to take home, so I reminded him of the rules..."If you take out books, you must leave them at school so you don't lose them and we can return them on time" Eddie kept refusing to comply to the rule so I told him he wasn't allowed to take out books. So Eddie is sitting on the bench a little upset...

Eddie.."I'm pissed!" (he sounds like Sylvester the cat and he mumbles)

LIBRARIAN.." Excuse me?"

Eddie.."I'm pissed!"

Librarian... "You mean you're mad!?"

Eddie.."I'm not allowed to take out books"

As fast as lightning yours truly..Teacher leaps over 2 tables to set the record straight

Teacher.."We don't want you to lose the books"

So I explained again to Eddie and now the librarian why we have the rule. The librarian gave me a nod of acceptance to the rule and I gave him a chuckle of the thought of Eddie blurting out "I'm pissed" in the middle of the library.

So Eddie finally accepts the rule and agrees to leave the books at school.. Fine..Eddie went to pick out books and sits at the counter to read his books.

Eddie.."Hey teacher, are you going to sit behind me and read with me?"

Teacher.."No Eddie I'm helping out this other student right now....Just sit there quietly and read your book" all innocence..And really loud.."But I can't read Teacher"

True I think! A lady 2 chairs down raised her book to let out a chuckle.

Lesson of the day.....Send the students to the picture book section.