Saturday, March 25, 2006

I'm a sore loser.

I've been playing Diablo and every time I die, I just get pissed! I was trying to see the "gamer" point of view and how someone could spend that much time staring at a computer screen (3 computers in surly greg's case) instead of out and about enjoying life. My boyfriend claims it's a nice way to relax...well, not for a sore loser like me it's not. I had to restrain myself from throwing my computer down and jumping on it. No way relaxation here...just alot of clicking and swearing...tense...tense..tense....
Problem solved....while in Best Buy the other day I picked up "Sims" game and read on the front of it.."The most successful computer game of all time"-TIME. "That's it" I shout (ok, not really) "of course it's the most successful computer game of all time because you don't DIE!!!!" my boyfriend agreed it would be the perfect game for a sore loser like myself! So, he bought it for me to still try to show me how relaxing sitting and staring at a computer screen can be relaxing. I know he just wants me to get addicted to it so I can't yell at him anymore. I hope it doesn't work.


Blogger Krave said...


1:49 PM  

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