Wednesday, February 07, 2007

"Happy" days are here again.

So I couldn't take spraying people with perfume. I would get HORRIBLE headaches from the HORRIBLE smell. I tried. It was completely boring and the only thing I really worked at was my knack of making fun of people.
What am I doing now you ask?? ask away.
I am back at the school. You can not escape once you had a job like that. You keep coming back for more. But, only one day a week this time. That day is Friday! We are able to take the children to the local Mc D's or BK to gross out other everyday people who don't get the opportunity to watch teenagers pigishly swallow hamburgers whole. It's by far the grossest part of the day.

So I'm a subsitute now and I go into the room who needs the most help. Which I realize, that whatever room I will be in, will be hetic due to the lack of staff.

I'm working with a new kid (I can't think of a good monster name for him) but he starts running up to the other children, grabbing both of their shoulders and starts shaking them yelling...."ARTIC BLAST 0 6......ARTIC BLAST 0 6.." over and over again. Ok, so I get him to calm down and stop grabbing the other students. So he then starts chanting "WE'RE ALL GOING TO HELL....WE'RE ALL GOING TO HELL..." and so on. I was thinking ... sure, tell me something I don't know....but the teacher inside me say "hey, we don't say things like that." So this excites him and he chants it louder and faster and then all of the sudden he lets out a howl and runs out the door and down the hallway. I did the 50 meter dash behind him while trying not to laugh. yea, I'm back!!

I'm going to school full-time myself for a photography major. I received a letter in the mail saying I was on the Dean's list. I was very excited and shocked. It may be harder this semester since I have 6 classes at 19 credit hours compared to the 4 class 13 credit hour from last semester. oh well!


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