Saturday, April 29, 2006

Lurch rides again! not really

Yesterday, we were at the workshop and the people who work there remind us to clean up our area before we leave so that means if any peices are on the ground make sure to pick them up. I spot a couple of plastic washers on the ground and in the midst of an disagreement with Lurch (he wanted to play wheel of fortune -his fav. show- on the computer) I knelt down to pick them up from underneath the table.

Lurch starts to straddle me while begging me to play the game. I quickly go into tornado drill position.....He sits on my back!! The thought that his nads were on my back made me gag.
So here we are...I'm kneeling on the ground, Lurch is yelling something about "wheel of fortune" while sitting on my back and another staff trying to convince Lurch to get off me. All of a sudden out of a door comes a staff that works at the workshop, her eyes pop out of her head in curiosity and just walks away.

We volunteer here, I wonder if were allowed back?

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Medusa the flasher

Medusa was having trouble with her bra all day. She has big woobies and they always wear small bras almost like the training bra on someone who should be wearing a "D" cup. Medusa's boobs kept flopping out of her bra all day. It's the end of the day and I noticed once again the sista's were hanging out of the bra.

Creature Teacher: "Medusa...are your cha cha's out of their brassier?"
she cracks up and starts rocking in excitement.
Medusa: "OH I can't fix it here I have to go inside!"

She runs into the doorway (a lady from the business below us can see her) and whips off her shirt to put her bra on right! I'm thinking she was just going to reach up under her shirt and pull it down but nooo...right in front of the lady takes off her shirt.

I ran in covered her with her coat and pushed her into another hallway so no one could see her. How funny is that.

Lurch the Loverman

Lurch the smartest kid in the class (of course is not saying much) is trying to pick up a fellow student Medusa on the van ride. It goes like this...

Lurch: "dude, sister, girlfriend medusa" he says in his deep shakey voice.
Creature Teacher: as lurch is petting her hand "Aw, lurch are you in love?"
Lurch: "yes" makes smooching sounds towards his love
Creature Teacher: "wow lurch! you a regular casanova"
Lurch: "Don't call me a casanosa ms creature teacher..I'm not a casanosa"

Lurch thens picks his nose and eats it.

Signs of a true casanova.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Taz and his wonderful questions..

I was talking to another Teacher about Taz and his silly questions. So she told me another funny question.

Taz: "Ms. M? you have a beavwer?"
Ms. M:..?????"no"
Taz: "you should get a beavwer and put it in a cage"

If I was there..
Creature Teacher: "It's in a denim cage"

oh he's so fun!

Monday, April 24, 2006

weird question

Our first day back to school...46 more days with the kids before SUMMER VACATION..yyyeesss.

here is a conversation I heard in the hallway today.....

Taz: "Do cars have feelwings?"
Mr. X: "No"
Taz: "Why not?"
Mr. X: "They're made of plastic Taz"
Taz: "Oh"

I looked at Mr. X to verify he just asked that question..yeah, he really did.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

THIS is news!

I cried..... feel free to enlarge the makes it worth wild!

click here

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Dr. Creature Teacher

I'm on spring break! It's nice to have a job with SPRING BREAK....HELL YA!!
Anyways I realized I'm way to hooked on the computer games and I'm forgetting to tell the tales of my students.

Taz was out playing in the park on the last day and got a splinter in his hand. I'm walking by his classroom and I hear another staff say.."Ms. CT might help you". My ears perk and I run into the room to see if I can help dear TAz. He's soooo fun!

CT: what's wrong Taz?
TAz: (screaming with a ton of tears) aaahhhh I have a spwinter!!!!!
CT: yr gonna be alright...let me get the tweezers and I'll be back to help.
Taz: (screaming)'s gonna hurt

*I'm walking down the hallway and he just screams the whole time*

I go back in the room and let him hold the tweezer and try to get him comfortable with them. I was telling him to set his finger on the table so I could see the splinter.

Taz: It's gonna hurt...
he would touch the table and let out the loudest cry.nnnnoooooooo

I couldn't help but to laugh. I was cracking up. So the other teacher started the process while I tried to get him to calm down and listen for the "POP" sound when she pulls out the "spwinter". He finally let me take over and after a few tries I got it out and made a pop sound by this time his face is so red and the tears are in buckets!

TAz: (still screaming) YOU DID IT!!!!! SHE DID IT...SHE WEALLY DID IT!!!!!
(while I'm trying to say my next sentence)
He then wipes his nose with the palm of his hand and grabs mine to shake my hand since I saved his life. It happened way to fast so I didn't have the reflex to pull my hand away.
CT: what do you say Taz?
ummm that's right.... You have snot on your hand

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Something fun to blog about!!!

Ok..Thanks to Snooze I found something fun to blog about. Since I'm stuck in la la video game land.

Instructions: Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question. NO CHEATING.

How does the world see you? Automatic--by Quazi Modo

Will I have a happy life? Firecracker, Firecracker--by Half Japenese
I do have an explosive personality

What do my friends really think of me? No Brakes--The Bravery

What do people secretly think of me? Danger! High Voltage--The Electric Six
"fire in the in the taco bell"!!

How can I be happy? Apple Blossom--The White Stripes
AAAhhhhhh *smile*

What should I do with my life? Thirsty Dog--Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Yeah, I still like to drink

What is some good advice for me? Molly's Chamber-- Kings of Leon

How will I be remembered? Snake People--Sons of Hercules
hope not

What is my signature dancing song? Guns of Brixton--The Clash
this is one of my favorite songs

What do I think my current theme song is? Rat's Revenge Pt.1--The Rats chinese zodiac sign is the rat...pretty cool.

What does everyone else think my current theme song is? Midnight Show-- The Killers
you should have seen friday's midnight show!!

What song will play at my funeral? I didn't like you anyways--The Donnas
how appropiate!

What is my day going to be like? I'm not there--Lil' Boys Blue
uh...cause I'm dead.

Well, after all I'm an Aries and we tend to be a little feisty!

Monday, April 03, 2006

My eyes are STILL fried

I tried, I really did. I thought Sims was the answer to seeing the relaxation side of computers. After I last blogged about HOW you could kill a Sim's..I DID kill a Sim's. Poor Nettie...she was just trying to help Ian put out the stove he lit on fire. So I watched the grim reaper circle the house twice and then just floated in the back door WITHOUT knocking. He took Nettie and left an urn for Ian. I'm so pissed at Ian for letting Nettie die and he didn't try to play a game of rock, scissors, paper with Grim. Just goes to show how everything can just get screwed up. Or should I say...Men screw things up. (lol) So when I exited the game it asked if you wanted to save the game you just played so of course I said no. Then, the next time I opened the game I bought Nettie and Ian a new stove and while Nettie was at work (since she has a job) Ian did it again..set the stove on fire. ding dong.. I made him call the fire dept. and wait by the fountain outside the house until the fire was put out.

I went back to playing Diablo which I was trying not to do. really I tried so hard. I find it less stressful then the Sim's . Now, I'm glued to the computer and my mind is melting.