Saturday, April 15, 2006

Dr. Creature Teacher

I'm on spring break! It's nice to have a job with SPRING BREAK....HELL YA!!
Anyways I realized I'm way to hooked on the computer games and I'm forgetting to tell the tales of my students.

Taz was out playing in the park on the last day and got a splinter in his hand. I'm walking by his classroom and I hear another staff say.."Ms. CT might help you". My ears perk and I run into the room to see if I can help dear TAz. He's soooo fun!

CT: what's wrong Taz?
TAz: (screaming with a ton of tears) aaahhhh I have a spwinter!!!!!
CT: yr gonna be alright...let me get the tweezers and I'll be back to help.
Taz: (screaming)'s gonna hurt

*I'm walking down the hallway and he just screams the whole time*

I go back in the room and let him hold the tweezer and try to get him comfortable with them. I was telling him to set his finger on the table so I could see the splinter.

Taz: It's gonna hurt...
he would touch the table and let out the loudest cry.nnnnoooooooo

I couldn't help but to laugh. I was cracking up. So the other teacher started the process while I tried to get him to calm down and listen for the "POP" sound when she pulls out the "spwinter". He finally let me take over and after a few tries I got it out and made a pop sound by this time his face is so red and the tears are in buckets!

TAz: (still screaming) YOU DID IT!!!!! SHE DID IT...SHE WEALLY DID IT!!!!!
(while I'm trying to say my next sentence)
He then wipes his nose with the palm of his hand and grabs mine to shake my hand since I saved his life. It happened way to fast so I didn't have the reflex to pull my hand away.
CT: what do you say Taz?
ummm that's right.... You have snot on your hand


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh how GROSS but cute... what a little sweetie pie. poor buddy.

2:35 PM  
Blogger Snooze said...

Aw, you did save his world. Very cute.

7:59 AM  
Blogger Creature Teacher said...

Just another day as a "Higglly Town Hero!" (does anyone else watch the disney channel with neices and nephews?, they might be giants does the theme song thought it was a good reason to watch it. Now, I'm addicted to the show...just, really I'm just kidding. Just wanted to be a Hero!) I'm goofy today! woo-hoo

8:41 AM  

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