Monday, April 03, 2006

My eyes are STILL fried

I tried, I really did. I thought Sims was the answer to seeing the relaxation side of computers. After I last blogged about HOW you could kill a Sim's..I DID kill a Sim's. Poor Nettie...she was just trying to help Ian put out the stove he lit on fire. So I watched the grim reaper circle the house twice and then just floated in the back door WITHOUT knocking. He took Nettie and left an urn for Ian. I'm so pissed at Ian for letting Nettie die and he didn't try to play a game of rock, scissors, paper with Grim. Just goes to show how everything can just get screwed up. Or should I say...Men screw things up. (lol) So when I exited the game it asked if you wanted to save the game you just played so of course I said no. Then, the next time I opened the game I bought Nettie and Ian a new stove and while Nettie was at work (since she has a job) Ian did it again..set the stove on fire. ding dong.. I made him call the fire dept. and wait by the fountain outside the house until the fire was put out.

I went back to playing Diablo which I was trying not to do. really I tried so hard. I find it less stressful then the Sim's . Now, I'm glued to the computer and my mind is melting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've never played Sims. can i play it on my ibook G4? do they have a "dirty" version? ::grin::

3:55 PM  
Blogger Creature Teacher said...

If you found a Mac version you may be able to...I'm not to sure. Of course there's a "dirty" can make babies and watch the process I think. I haven't downloaded yet...I'm stuck on killing things in the Diablo game I haven't touched the Sims since I started killing them. ugh.

9:34 PM  

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