Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Quarters just suck

I went up to the local community college to figure out what to do to go back school. I'm coming out of the lot and you have to pay ".50 (two quarters only)" the sign read. I start digging...digging....and digging. I could only find one flipping f***king quarter, so what do I have to do? I had to beg for a quarter to get the f**k out of there! How embarrassing was that. Then after finding someone to give me a quarter and I went back to the line trying to pull out of the lot, the lady in front of me stops and starts digging for quarters. Luckily, there was no one behind me and I put it in reverse and left out the other gate.
lesson of the day: murphy and the law love me.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Vacation is over

The road trip was really nice despite the fact I was sick the whole time. So, we went to Gettysburg first and decided to buy a c.d. to take the auto tour of the battlefield. You drove through the battlefields while re-enactments played on the c.d. it took about 2hrs (driving about 15-20mph) . It was amazing to learn that more people died in the battle of Gettysburg than WWI and II combined. They said you couldn't walk on the field without stepping on a body. Such a crazy thought and the only woman that was killed in the battle was Jennie Wade. They also said that you could hear the battle (cannons) all the way in Philadelphia which I think is maybe 2 hours away (I could be wrong).

Later on we took the ghost tour of Jennie Wade home (where she was killed) and the orphanage across the street. The nice people who run the tour let us see both buildings that night due to the frigid cold instead walking around the town looking for ghosts! The guide encourages you to take pictures during the tour in hopes of taking a picture of an "orb" or spirit. We gathered in the cellar of the Wade home then went across the street to the orphanage where a lady (yep, forget her name) tortured children by putting them in the cellar in a very small room in the dark and wouldn't give them food or water for periods of time. The guide then took us to the cellar to show us the room and even shut off the lights to let us take photo's after telling us other exciting stories of some of the photo's captured and things that were seen while in the cellar. I was o.k for a couple minutes but I started to spook myself and fortunately the guide turned back on the lights. So then we all headed back upstairs and continued the tour back at the Wade house. The Guide points out all the bullet holes on the outside of the building and on the inside Jennie, her mother and her sister who had recently gave birth were all in the house. Jennie was baking bread with her mother when the fatal bullet came to claim Jennie's life. The battle was happening right outside the front door. Rumor has it that if a single girl puts her ring finger in the bullet hole on the door she will be engaged within the year and since I'm in my 30's do I really have anything to lose? So, I gave it a go....So I'll let you know when the years up. Hell, I put all 10 fingers in the hole....Just to be sure. My girlfriend had her camera (another couple went with us) and we were taking pictures of every mirror in the house in hopes to find a spirit but no luck. The guide told us to take pictures in the mirror but not to let anyone be in the reflection, we left the room to let another girl on the tour take a picture of a mirror that we already had. We make our way downstairs and then the girl and the guide appear to show us the picture of a spooky image she just took. It was a profile of a face with the hand with the fingers extended by the chin. It was a creepy image and thought. We then made our way back to the cellar where he told a few more stories of the spooky images that were caught on film. When we got back to the hotel to go over in detail to see if we could find "orbs" in our pictures, we found a couple but that's about all.

The next day we went to the wonderful town of Hershey's. What an amazing man, we took the tour of the city. The Hershey school is amazing and to think, well hope that the school is still run the way Mr. Hershey wants it to be. After the tour and buying chocolate in mass quantity we headed off to Pittsburgh. We went to the southside where we ate at Fatheads which is absolutely delicious! We wandered around till the bars closed at midnight than went to some place that had karoke!!!! We stumbled upon it and it was a nice touch to end the day.
The next day we went to Ikea and unfortunately I was still sick AND had a hangover so I couldn't think of anything else but we were there for...buying a stand for a microwave. We found a nice stand and got the hell out of there. At one point I was in the restroom wondering if this was the point where I should make myself sick then I heard this little girl "It smells like cherries in smells so nice in this place" , I couldn't imagine barfing at that moment. So, instead I held onto my nausea for the rest of the day.

I had a really good time but I just wonder when will I feel better. I didn't goto work today and I have to babysit 5 kids tonight despite feeling way under the weather. I'm babysitting for my sister and her sis in-law kids so they can go out. My sister never gets out anymore (due to having 3 kids) so I figured it would mean alot to get out for a bit! So, hopefully all will go well tonight. Just wish I wasn't sick anymore.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Onward....road trip

This weekend me and my boyfriend are going to take a road trip Pittsburgh and Gettysburg!! Yeah, I'm really excited to get away from here. I'm just afraid I'll never want to come back, I kinda sorta hate it here but don't we always dislike where we stay sometimes? Just a thing I guess. On Valentines day, I received some roses which are beautiful and we went to a Chinese restaurant that was the best I've ever had! The following night I took him out to dinner at a nice little cafe and now we are going on the road trip to complete the fun birthday week! Well, we're going on a trip when he wakes up "we're going to leave early!...Let's leave at 9 am!!!" I'm still waiting *grin*

Full moon fever

You can tell when a full moon is coming all the students (and everyone in general) are more on edge. On Fridays we take the kids out for small purchase, they can goto a dollar store and spend a little bit of money to teach them the value of money and the social skills of the community. So, once again Lurch goes in the store and buys a bag of frito scoops that he's been talking about the whole week. Then of course, when he comes back to the van he tries to open the bag and eat the whole dam bag. The other teacher had to take another kid in the store, so it was my job to try and get the bag from him. So, there I am trying to negotiate the bag of frito's from the grasp of Lurch. I turn around in the driver seat and was kneeling on the seat as I proceeded to barter for the chips till a better time to eat them. While negotiating Lurch leaned forward and bopped me in the nose, I fell back and beeped the horn with my ass, which surprised both of us, Lurch then thought someone else beeped and ended up handing of the Frito scoops. It was the funniest thing ever..bop..beep..then I get the chips!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

He's 39 now!

Happy Birthday Krave!

Your the Best!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Love is a....

What did you... do, say, get, pay,buy... to get it?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Sly is way to HIGH!!

If you watched the grammy's last night I'm sure you did the same thing when you actually saw Sly (the old stone..r) come out to bang on the keyboards. FALL OFF YOUR CHAIR LAUGHING YR ASS OFF!!! Could you believe yr eyes.?????? He looked like a pre-historic iguana or something. Imagine.. old man with a blonde mohawk, black Dior sunglasses, long shiny siver trench coat (collar in up position) with fringe running down the middle of the back, silver pants with knee high black platform boots. The huge belt buckle with his name "SLY" bedazzled on it. OMFG!! ROFL!!! His music is amazing and I feel bad because he's played keyboard so long it seems as though he couldn't lift his head because he was always looking down at the keys. But ...Please fire yr stylist Sly a nice funky suit would've done just fine. He was banging on the keys like it was his first encounter with a keyboard and was trying to figure out what the dang thing did. He mumbled a few lyrics, the sound on his mic was bad (i wanna take you ..higher....2x) and after 3 mins of being on stage, strutted back off and was gone. Biz-f**king-zarre!

The other funny thing that happened yesterday.... I was walking through the parking lot to my car and I slipped and fell. My left foot slid forward and I landed on my right knee (and naturally when you fall, your hands go up trying to save whatever is in them). So I basically looked like I just ended an ice skating routine and the worst was people were watching....Ugh.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Wasted Weekend...and it was fun.

So, Thursday night me and my fellow co-workers went to bowling. I used to be on the league (I'm not claiming to be good at all) but now I decided to be one of the "beerleaders" (beer drinker/cheerleader). Afterwards we usually go grab something to eat and some more to drink and since we didn't have kids on Friday it was obvious it would be a long night of fun. One of the questions of the night was....when squeezing pass people in a stadium seating situation how do you pass by you give them a front view or a back view of your assests? Because you know some people remain seated while yr trying to squeeze by. So, do you try to make it extremely uncomfortable? Like one girl pointed out maybe by dropping something next to them to try and get your butt more in their face or pause in front of them so the only view they have is Personally I want to start dropping stuff to try and get my butt in people's faces. That'll teach them.

Next question....What do you do when yr boyfriend gets so EXTREMELY INTOXICATED that he makes loud screeching, most unbearable, scratchy babbleling you have ever heard? He would not stop for nothing....I told him to shutup(after of this...nope....I threatened to leave him there(after 10 mins!...nope, still going... I found his coat and scarf, wrapped the scarf around his loud ass mouth to muffle the sound and pushed him out of the bar. Even outside the bar he was still going(up to 20 mins).. I had to shove him in the car and while driving down the street he was still going! (30 mins now..not lying) Once I reached the garage, he busted up laughing for 10 minutes straight. I undressed him and covered him up on the floor away from my reach (so I don't choke him) and then he was out. The next day, I asked him if he remembered anything and the answer was.."like what?". So I explained to him and told him what an ass he was and imitated his annoying babbleling and still didn't remember a thing. I was really embarrassed of him because it my regular bar that I like to hang at and I can only imagine the looks when we return. He wanted to get knee-capped and he did. I guess next time I'll just punch him in his throat

What would you do?

I learned something about Shriek and his behavior at home, he's learning to be a fireman! He lives in a group home and it's a "survival of the fittest " there. Well, someone was bothering him one night and low and behold he went and picked up the fire extinguisher and shot it off all over some other client in the home! Well......What would you do?

Eddie monster went to a local mall with a co-worker and while in the bathroom the teacher noticed Eddie was standing really close to the urinal. The teacher takes notice to eddie's arm is rapidly moving....The teacher calls out..."Eddie...You better not be doing what I think you are." Eddie does not reply. "Eddie" calls out the teacher again. Eddie replys..."Hold on Mr I'm almost finished" wow..Talk about a nooner. Needless to say Eddie got a speech about private and public things to do.

Welcome...A new monster is here!!!

On Friday Feburary 3rd ...My sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named....Abigail!!!!
Yeah sis!!!!