Thursday, February 09, 2006

Sly is way to HIGH!!

If you watched the grammy's last night I'm sure you did the same thing when you actually saw Sly (the old stone..r) come out to bang on the keyboards. FALL OFF YOUR CHAIR LAUGHING YR ASS OFF!!! Could you believe yr eyes.?????? He looked like a pre-historic iguana or something. Imagine.. old man with a blonde mohawk, black Dior sunglasses, long shiny siver trench coat (collar in up position) with fringe running down the middle of the back, silver pants with knee high black platform boots. The huge belt buckle with his name "SLY" bedazzled on it. OMFG!! ROFL!!! His music is amazing and I feel bad because he's played keyboard so long it seems as though he couldn't lift his head because he was always looking down at the keys. But ...Please fire yr stylist Sly a nice funky suit would've done just fine. He was banging on the keys like it was his first encounter with a keyboard and was trying to figure out what the dang thing did. He mumbled a few lyrics, the sound on his mic was bad (i wanna take you ..higher....2x) and after 3 mins of being on stage, strutted back off and was gone. Biz-f**king-zarre!

The other funny thing that happened yesterday.... I was walking through the parking lot to my car and I slipped and fell. My left foot slid forward and I landed on my right knee (and naturally when you fall, your hands go up trying to save whatever is in them). So I basically looked like I just ended an ice skating routine and the worst was people were watching....Ugh.


Blogger Snooze said...

did the spectators hold up score cards after your grand fall?

8:17 PM  
Blogger Creature Teacher said...

i don't know if it was worse that they were strangers...rather than co-workers.

3:47 PM  
Blogger G.C. PHILO said...

Why is it that Grammy performances always carry that "I'm old but I can still get down" routine? Wasn't Isaac Hayes in the same boat a few years ago too?


9:25 AM  
Blogger Creature Teacher said...

I think yr right about Mr. Hayes. They need to dress atleast somewhat their age. I guess after Sly's performance he just left the building! (atleast thats what I heard on the radio..for whatever thats worth.)

11:10 AM  

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