Monday, May 01, 2006

Taz and Birdman the Demons Duo

Yeah! I was able to work in Taz and Birdmans room today and boy was it a BLAST! First of all Birdman who's not only obsessed with nature (birds, bees and butterflies) but he's as equally overly obsessive about baby teeth. Well they let him look at his teeth when he's riding in the van because it helps him so he keeps his hands to himself and not pulling another kids hair. fair enough. So he's walking through the parking lot, one hand holding the mirror and the other one digging in his teeth.

CT: "hey birdman, I don't think you should be digging in yr teeth right now in the parking lot, you should have yr head up and look for moving cars and other things."

Birdman: "I don't care" he says with fingers still in his mouth.

now if a car was coming and we yelled at him to look up he wouldn't so this had to be done to help him be aware of his surroundings.

CT: "ooppss" I stopped in front of him so he would run into me instead of something else that would hurt.

Birdman: "Mother f**king Jesus....why did he do this to me?" as he tries to take a swing at me.

CT: "birdman, jesus didn't do this to need to focus on where yr walking instead of yr teeth...think safety bird" as he kicks me in my kneecap

Birdman is just pissed and everyone in sight and starts punching himself because "thats where jesus lives" he tells you. A car drives by us and he gave the car the cross-eyed look of death and the FINGER. I start to loose it. So now he's spinning in a circle shoving his middle finger in our faces.

CT: "um birdman....thats just a finger to me"

Birdman: " is?" the tears stop and he looks at his finger inquisitively.. and stops his tantrum. Thats that.

Then, 2 minutes later as he's getting in the van the seat belt accidently hit him in the face to send the tears rolling again.

Birdman: "Why did jesus give us baby teeth" he screamed and blew snot all over his shirt as he turned tomato red!

CT: "When yr done yelling I will answer that question..but I can't answer it until calm done and listen to me."

Birdman calms himself down to ask the question again

CT: "Because we would look silly if we had little mouths with big teeth"
Birdman: "oh. I have one baby tooth left, should I pull it out?"
CT: "naw, jesus likes to do that himself. You'll have adult teeth when you turn 14"

Birdman is 11 I've stalled that problem for the next 3 years...yeah, right.

So onto Taz... were at the park and the kids are playing on the jungle gym thing and Taz is waiting for the slide so to get the boy moving Taz yells
"Go down the swide you Bastard!"
CT: "Taz, can you come here for a second?"

A little later Birdman comes up to me and says
"Taz called me a bitch ass"

CT: "Taz, can you come here for a second?"

Taz is also 11 and doesn't know what he's saying, he just likes the reaction on your face.

Taz also remembers how I saved his finger..."Ms. CT..wemember when you got the spwinter out of my finger...tweezers don't weally hurt do they?!"
how cute huh?

I really do love my job.


Blogger Snooze said...

You never have a dull moment. I love the obvious affection you have for the kids.

6:59 AM  
Blogger Creature Teacher said...

Thank you:) One lady told me I was gonna have a huge suite in heaven while everyone else will have broom closets. haha

7:44 AM  

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