Monday, January 23, 2006

Things that I was hit with today

*someone else's head
*someone else's fists
*a file folder
*1 glass of water
*hot sauce
*popsicle sticks (stabbing like motion)
*doz. plastic eggs
*1 shoe
*close call with a chair
*duct tape (my new fav. read below)

So I had shriek today, and oh what a day it was! He gets off the cab swinging at anyone in his way. fine...i dealt with it just fine. He throws a roll of duct tape and it bounced off my face....."OK shriek, if we throw something we need to pick it up" i state. He complies he's picking it up he quickly throws it and bounced it off my face AGAIN. I did chuckle was just that funny. I once again repeat my statement but I made sure my hand was right next to his to intercept the next throw.
They videotaped his behaviors and I was able to watch the tape afterwards. I was able to watch shriek use my face as a speedbag from another angle besides upclose and personal..I need a new job I realized.


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