Saturday, January 14, 2006

cool t-shirts for funny kids!

I love the parents who have a sense of humor with their kids that goto my school. They will buy their kids funny t-shirts to match their ever lovable personalities!

When i first started at the school one kid who looked like the "thing" from fantastic four would come in with a t-shirt that just said "available" on it. aahh...his mother is so funny.

another tiny little boy (but he is older than he looks) who i will call "lobster boy" would come in with a "hooters" t-shirt. i think it said something like my dad went to hooters all i got was this t-shirt or something. can't quite remember. Plus, this kid really liked real hooters. I made the mistake one day of sqeezing by him (with a student in each hand so i couldn't protect myself) and he reached up and gave me a purple nurple...titty twister...tuned in tokoyo..whatever you want to call it and i let out the yelp of the century. He really got me good! Lobster boy would also do this to other female students and any other breast he could get his hands on. so, the shirt is really appropiate for him!

Another kid would come in with a camouflage shirt that says "ha! now you can't see me" but he ALWAYS made his presence very clear.

My personal favorite is the new t-shirt that the birdman recieved for christmas and his mother made sure he wore to lift our spirits on the first day back from break. "I'm strange maybe crazy but never a dull moment" after i finished reading it he asks "what's a dull moment?" in a pure innocent moment of curiousity.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh i LOVE this post!! i cannot stop laughing at the idea of an "available" t-shirt on a retarded kid. that's comedy gold right there! life is far too short not to laugh along the way.

5:52 PM  
Blogger Creature Teacher said...

me and a co-worker are thinking of starting a clothing line for our students which would consist of a variety and cool looking sweatpants, funny t-shirts, velcro tennis shoes. maybe trap doors and zipper or velcro flys on sweatpants(so when you walk into the mens room it's not a line of ASS cause their sweatpants are wrapped around their ankles!ha)yep...thinking of a name for that

8:15 AM  

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