Saturday, December 17, 2005

The monsters go on vacation! yeah!

So friday was the last day before the monsters go on 2 week break to tear up the holidaze. What flippin nightmare. Lucky me had 2 restraints in 10 minutes (the most in the school for the day) over what you ask? (do you?) Food...marshmallows to be exact..we had to make snowman out of marshmallows, icing, gum drops and pretzels. A cute idea for kids that can wait till they finish making them. Shriek on the other hand is not one of those cute kids. He dropped a gum drop on the floor and it rolled under his desk and decided he wanted fester's gum drop and charged him. Fester let out this deep, stern "sstttoopppp" to shriek ...i stop in shock of the voice that just came out of fester...shriek did not this leads to a restraint with shriek.....everybody and their brother ran into the room from hearing the commotion the yelling and screaming...let alone the 2 young volunteers from a high school trying to show the kids how to do the activities...I'm trying to look all professional and people are trying to say something to me and I'm telling them I got it under control, no help needed.."I'm a professional" I proclaim with my au natural sarcasm. Finally the one teacher came up closer and said "creature teacher...shrieks pants are down"...."oh"

After feeding time we go into the community to take the kids to the park and let them make a small purchase of some sort. We stopped at Taco Hell so I could pick up lunch for myself. Lurch also likes t.h. but chose to buy something else earlier but he couldn't resist eating something from t.h.

creature teacher "Lurch...what are your doing?.. you can't eat hot sauce throw it in this bag"

lurch "Stop it ms creature teacher...I can to, it makes me all hot spicy on the insides"

finally i get him to throw it out and a few moments later, we hear lurch making some funny sounds..

c.t. "what's wrong lurch?"

lurch "oh my.. i need some water"

c.t. snickers "why?"

lurch "oh my... i have some heart burn....I'm sorry creature teacher I just want to be good"

c.t. "you need to listen to staff and throw that hot sauce out next time"

lurch "can I go home and dream on fri jan 13th we goto taco bell?"

c.t. "sure thing lurch"

I'm thankful he has the next two weeks off


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