Sunday, January 29, 2006


It was a tough week, on Wednesday while working in the same group with shriek, he decided to toss a chair in my direction. While trying to "swat" the chair away I ended up hyper-extended my left index finger. Boy, did my finger blow up, I spent 3 hours in the E.R. which is what I expected. The doctor even gave me a 2 day excuse to call off work but like a fool a finger wont hold me back.
A ton of bullshit happened all day long and I can't even think about writing it all down. So, basically I have no funny school stories.

My weekend was fun. After Friday night's of full on drinking to forget of the troubles. Saturday my boyfriend and I went with some of my co-workers to see a local college basketball game. I'm not a sports fan but he likes sports so I figured it would be fun to do. After we picked up something to eat and then headed off to see a friends band called "the Hurricanes" it was great to see alot of my old friends but I didn't realize that my boyfriend didn't really want to be there, so he ended up going home. So off me and my friends went to have fun at the local karoke (kare-to-choke-me) place to have fun and laugh some more. They shouldn't put any Pink Floyd on the list to be sung. This drunk man gets up there to sing and have a flashback at the same time, and the songs are slow and really long. It's just god-awful pain to endure. No 15 fucking minute long song should be allowed!! Then this broad gets her drunk ass up there to give us another torturing 15 minutes of "The End" by the Doors. She kept thinking the lyrics were going to start and she would start to sing but was fooled 10 x over. So she just try to cover her mistake up by incoherent babble. Then, she likes the sound of herself babbleling and did it for the last 13 minutes of the song. I just wanted to go up and punch her in her throat.


Blogger Krave said...

You should have a quite word with that boy friend of yours.. Sounds like he wanted to get smashed on Friday as well..


5:35 PM  

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