Sunday, December 04, 2005

Am I cool now or what?

I'm trying to be cool with some new acquired friends that all have blogs. I like challenges (I'm a special ed teacher) and technology is always slapping me in the back of the head and my grammar and spelling is right behind him. So excuse all the errors, lucky me the kids are low functioning and only learn social it's not nice to walk by someone and just punch them.

Which leads me to talk about me for a second...I work with kids and young adults with autism and multiple mental health issues I absolutely love my job with my whole heart and very lucky for the opportunity. BUT.... the job has many funny moments that I must share with other people!

Hence. Friday I find myself sitting at a table with 4 students and another teacher playing memory with 72 picture cards and the kids have 5 second memories...about 1hr play time. The kids would only pick up the cards that were right in front of them so I show the kids that there are more cards in the middle and made them reach for the other unused cards. They do this with prompts just I'm realizing none of them are getting a pair.....So I start peeking under the other cards to help them feel like winners...before I know it they are all doing it....I taught the kids how to cheat and they like it. They were helping each other cheat amongst one kid (I'll call him lurch) who is yelling and threatening the others that if they cheat again he's gonna punch them in the face. Did I start a riot I think to myself. So after defusing the situation and finishing the game we departed for "small purchase" time. So we go to my car, a tiny honda civic cx...I can put the car in my pocket thats how small it is. I then notice the size of my students I'm about to jam in my car. Lurch is 6foot3 and marshmallow boy is 325lbs! So I cram them in to my tiny hatchback civic. So, off we go sliding down the snowy ice filled street at top speed of 8mph.... leaving behind the thought that I just taught the kids to cheat at the game memory.


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