Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Don't sniff the peaches

I was supposed to have an easy day, I had the "higher functioning" students so they talk and goto work to an actual job site.. it has to be easy....right? The first student eddie monster starts off his day watching shriek tear up the classroom in the morning with a different staff, he decides that this looks cool and tries to join in. So he's trying to test the waters to see what he can get away with by squeezing my hand and telling me he's going to sleep ON me. No, eddie thats "not appropiate" and I glance at my hand to let him know I can feel him squeezing my hand. "Why?" inquires eddie monster "cause you won't be able to sleep?"he continues. I shake my head and explain why both his words and action are inappropriate and I quickly sho him out of the room and into another so he doesn't keep picking up tips on how to act like an ass from shriek.

So off to the work site we go and by the time we get to the work site he's still not focused and remains unfocused for awhile. Eddie jumps out of the van once park and starts to run around the empty parking lot yelling

eddie: "Come chase me creature teacher come chase me!!"....manic laughing continues

my smart ass reply..."No, Eddie creature teacher chases NO ONE"

there goes eddie running along side the building up to the front.....he showed me.....I chased eddie.

Eddie remained "silly" for quite awhile even giving me an re-enactment of a cops show. He yelled "get down on the floor! shut up! your under arrest and going to jail" (what the??....) and says "look creature teacher I'm in jail" unfortunately I had to ruin his fun (i was kinda freaked out but still laughing on the inside of course) and tell him to get back in reality. Eddie really snapped out of it when he found out the other kids get a glass of soda for the work they did. nearly crying...."I wanna work creature teacher...please...I'm sorry.... I want a soda...let me work" WOWZA!!! the fucking power of soda!!! and hell ya, you should be begging to work, do you realize the shape of the economy?!

Angel eddie walks into work and cleans like a mutha! he even cleaned the underside of the tables!! Soda brought him back, being left out, and knowing he wasn't getting a treat. NOT my kind, compassionate ways, understanding and the ability to take a couple of cracks. Soda.

Ok OK....lunch time as usual, the calmest part of the day with food being a natural motivator for one and all. I hear a small..ssniff....then this little chuckle...sssnnifff...chuckle a little louder....this keeps going each time getting a little louder. It's Fester (he's a quiet kid) he keeps smelling his peaches and laughing which of course made me laugh. At one time he was even going bug-eyed while smelling the peaches and the cutest belly i'm in reality laugh..laugh. It really helped me get over the morning with eddie.
Never fail though eddie was soon back in la-la land and made my afternoon a living hell also!
Lesson of the day...take time to smell your peaches because they may make you laugh too!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the only peaches i'm sniffing around here are mine. ::wink:: that made absolutely no sense. hahaha..

7:01 PM  
Blogger Joey Polanski said...

Imagine what ya coud acomplish wit chees balls an toofpicks!

An maple syrup! DEFINITLY maple syrup!

1:46 AM  
Blogger Creature Teacher said...

ms bees...caught me off guard i'll just nod and laugh..haha

joey....great idea..i'll poke with the sticks (like ya know they do in the zoo) and maple syrup to keep them from wandering off!!! perfect! thanks!!

4:56 PM  

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