Sunday, July 16, 2006

R.I.P. George

George WAS our big retarded fish. Dopey kind of fish that would bully the angel fish one minute and run into glass the next. Just imagine 4 huge angel fish just hanging out in the corner chillin like fish comes George (breed unknown just big silver regular looking fish) slams right into them! Other moments I would hear a thunk from the tank and I can see the stars above George's head from running into the glass or I would see the air tube moving from George trying to "squeeze" behind it.
I had a cookout the other night since Krave's father and lady friend are here from Spain visiting and my family came over to all meet. My niece and nephew have met George before and liked watching him spaz out in the tank and "scare him" by putting their Elmo doll up against the glass. Well, maybe he had one to many scares... My sister and I heard a strange noise from the tank and a short time later I found him upside down swimming away but going nowhere. It was sad because my nephew in his cute 2 yr old voice "Get up George!" because he wanted to scare him again. So then we explained that fish sleep upside down like that. The next day, he was still going. I stepped out for a bit and father took George out and buried him in the flower bed so I wouldn't have to see. Bye George


Blogger Creature Teacher said...

Yes...yes..sad but true:(

11:24 PM  

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